Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Learn and enhance your knowledge. A very interesting subject, Technology and Livelihood Education. For the first quarter , I have learned many things about computer on how to create a blog, blogging, history of the internet and others. I discovered that behind my learnings there are challenges that I have encountered.
There are some problems or challenges that I have encountered this is when we have community based project. On this project I have encountered problem on how to make it but I take it as s challenge in me how to do it wisely.
On this challenge, I address this as a big challenge to me,. it widens more knowledge, take as a experience and adventures that must encountered. Facing the challenges makes me a real how i encountered this challenges in my highschool life. Behind the challenges I can reach the success of my life. I will continue that good habit that I have started. I will improve and develop more my knowledge. I will enhance my knowledge and face these challenges that I have encountered.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


English language is a universal language and Filipino language is a dialect of Filipinos. Either these two languages must we used in speaking and for communication.
English or Filipino language is the best thing that each one of us must used it in a proper way inorder to enhance ourselves, our knowledge and our speaking skills. Learning English language, we find it difficult but it makes easier if we enhance ourselves tospeak in a nice way using English or Filipino language in communication. As a result we can easily find ourselves better and understand other people. Speaking English or Filipino language is important. We can used it for communication to other people and to other countries, it can make us better when we have a job. It makes ourselves comfortable and not irrritated in speaking these Engloish or Filipino language. We can have a better understanding and a better communication.
"SPEAK TO ME IN ENGLISH OR FILIPINO," so that we can understand each other, to develop our speaking skills. English or Filipino language ia what we need to have a better understanding. Using this English ore Filipino languages makes us understand the language of other nationalities and countries easier and more orderly.